In 2023, ‘only’ 5,485 Belgian drivers fined for tailgating

In 2023, 5,485 motorists, vans, and trucks in Belgium were fined for not respecting sufficient distance from the vehicle in front. Tailgating, however, is a dangerous and antisocial phenomenon.

Mobility organization VAB recently surveyed its members about the biggest annoyances they experience in traffic. The top three irritations included people not using turn signals (1), tailgating (2), and unnecessarily driving in the left or center lane (3). Although tailgating is one of the most dangerous irritants, relatively few drivers are fined.

Sufficient distance

As a passenger car driver, you must keep a sufficient distance from the vehicle in front and regulate your speed based on any vulnerable road users, the weather conditions, and the traffic on the road. However, There is an exception for motorists who drive in a ‘convoy.’

Two rules apply to vehicles over 7.5 tons. On bridges and viaducts, they must always maintain a distance of at least 15 meters between them, and outside built-up areas, they must always maintain a distance of at least 50 meters.

In the latter’s case, police checks are usually carried out via patrols participating in the traffic flow. Sometimes, the police also check with cameras and drones.

Of the 5,485 fines issued in 2023, 3,520 went to truck drivers (>7.5 tons) for not respecting the 50-meter rule. In addition, 680 drivers of passenger cars and vans were fined for inappropriate spacing.

Another 950 people were fined for similar violations on regional and local roads. These were mainly car drivers (682) and, to a lesser extent, truck drivers (126).

Why is tailgating so dangerous?

If you keep too little distance from the vehicle in front, you will have less road visibility. You cannot see what is happening ahead of you. In the event of a sudden traffic jam or an obstacle, you often do not have enough time to brake, and you cause a rear-end collision.

Why is the chance of being caught so small?

Keeping a distance is not easy to control, and diffuse situations often occur, such as cars approaching quickly and overtaking another vehicle.

New technology

Fortunately, new technology can help maintain a safe distance. More and more (new) cars are equipped with ‘Adaptive Cruise Control’ (ACC) and ‘Collision Warning Systems’.

These enable road users to drive with the flow in heavy traffic or traffic jams without the risk of collisions with the vehicle in front. Distance sensors automatically brake the car in time.


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