Pukkelpop 2024 in Hasselt will be greener thanks to ‘blue’ diesel

On Thursday, the construction of the Pukkelpop festival village started in Hasselt. This year’s edition will be greener—or rather bluer—thanks to the use of so-called ‘blue diesel’. For the first time, all forklift trucks, off-road buggies, and generators used on the site – from now until the end of the festival = will run on blue diesel.

Blue diesel is amore sustainable fuele, and with the initiative, Pukkelpop’s organizers want to reduce the festival’s CO2 footprint by 90% or 375 tons, the equivalent of a 4,750,000 km drive on conventional fuel.

Odorless and colorless

Blue diesel combines high-quality diesel with Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO), a synthetic fuel made from plant oil from residual waste, for example. It is odorless, colorless, and more sustainable and is available in variants with a different percentage of HVO.

The higher the HVO content, the more significant the CO2 reduction. Pukkelpop will use the blue diesel 100 variant, which consists entirely of HVO.

More expensive than regular diesel

The fuel can be used by all vehicles and generators without adjustments, and that played a role in the decision to go for it. However, this switch will come with a price because blue diesel is about 20% more expensive.

Last year Pukkelpop used approximately 125,000 liters of diesel to build and run the festival. This is now being completely replaced by blue diesel.


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