Daimler starts customer trials with GenH2 fuel cell trucks

Daimler Truck kicked off real-world customer trials with its fuel cell truck last week in Germany with Air Products, Amazon, Holcim, INEOS, and Wiedmann & Winz. The five Merceds-Benz GenH2 Trucks will be deployed in different long-haul applications on specific routes in Germany, such as transporting building materials, sea containers, or cylinder gases.

The trucks will be refueled at designated liquid hydrogen filling stations (sLH2) in Woerth am Rhein (Rhineland-Palatinate) and in the future also in the Duisburg area (North-Rhine Westphalia).

Instead, in liquid form

Daimler Truck believes in liquid hydrogen rather than its gaseous form. As a gas, this requires compression (usually 350 bar for trucks) but needs far larger storage tanks. The manufacturer says smaller, lighter hydrogen tanks give the truck more cargo space and a higher payload.

“The energy carrier has a significantly higher energy density in this aggregate state. As a result, more hydrogen can be carried, significantly increasing the range and enabling comparable vehicle performance with a conventional diesel truck. This makes the series GenH2 Truck, like conventional diesel trucks, suitable for multi-day, difficult-to-plan long-haul transport and where the daily energy throughput is high.”

Daimler Truck announced in September 2023 that, with some pride, a prototype of its Mercedes-Benz fuel cell truck GenH2 accomplished a journey of 1,047 km on hydrogen with only one filling session.



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