Renault presents concept vehicle for rolling medical practice

Software République, an open innovation ecosystem for intelligent, safe, and sustainable mobility in which Renault is involved, has now presented the ‘U1st Vision’ concept vehicle. It is intended for neighborhood services and can, for example, be equipped as a doctor’s surgery on wheels.

The ‘U1st’ demonstrator consists of two parts: a self-contained multi-service module (‘pop-up’) delivered on a platform for light electric utility vehicles (FlexEVan) that brings together innovative technologies from the seven members of the Software République and its partners for this concept.

This platform can offer citizens several services, such as healthcare, self-service, bicycle repair, and electrical appliance recycling. “This innovative technology demonstrator features its vision of services that are ‘closer to the citizen’ by offering them easy access to a range of various customized and secured proximity services,” the press release claims.

Software République

Software République includes Renault, Dassault Systèmes, Eviden (part of the Atos Group), JCDecaux, Orange, STMicroelectronics, and Thales as members and has 22 participating companies on this project. It is currently demonstrating its module for healthcare services, one of the ‘U1st Vision’ use cases, at the VivaTech start-up trade fair in Paris.

This is a kind of doctor’s surgery on wheels. It integrates 21 medical applications and 12 innovations, including an artificial intelligence-supported avatar. The Health Pop-Up offers a solution to the challenges of “medical deserts” by providing citizens, wherever they are, with an integrated mobile service for the prevention, diagnosis, and monitoring of diseases.

Redefine healthcare

The aim is to redefine healthcare, capitalizing on the benefits of the increasingly connected world and the new possibilities that enable continuous measurement of health data via smart devices while ensuring patient privacy. The module is operated by a medical assistant and enables teleconsultations with healthcare professionals.

The common goal behind this concept is to provide citizens with citizen-centered care and preventive healthcare services. The concept is secure and enables seamless interaction between devices and services.

It ensures that healthcare can be provided anytime, anywhere, without compromising the quality of services or data protection. At the heart of the U1st vision is a commitment to putting the individual at the center and responding to citizens’ needs.


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