Brussels Sibelga calls to register private charging stations

Under the slogan ‘Proud of your terminal’, Sibelga has launched an information campaign to alert Brussels citizens to the mandatory declaration of charging stations for electric vehicles in Brussels.

This gesture allows the Brussels grid operator to list and monitor all electricity purchases in Brussels to ensure the proper functioning of the grid and the preservation of its balance.

Legal obligation

While EVs are on the rise, both among businesses and individuals, the legal obligation to declare charging stations remains little known. It covers all types of installations, terminal or cable, regardless of power.

“One of Sibelga’s challenges is to anticipate changing needs and new applications to make the right decisions on a technical and economic level, thus ensuring reliable and quality access to energy,” underlines Sibelga CEO Inne Mertens. “In the evening or at night, when energy is most abundant and affordable, customers will play an active role in this energy transition.”

600 home charging stations

The declaration allows Sibelga, the manager of the electricity and gas distribution networks in the Brussels Capital Region, to monitor the evolution of electricity consumption as closely as possible and estimate where they might encounter problems or need to expand to avoid overloading the network.

And not without reason: a car battery corresponds to the consumption of a household of four people… for a week. Moreover, the declaration of terminals also makes it possible to know customers’ needs and, if necessary, reinforce the network.

Terminal owners can declare them on the website The operation is completed with just a few clicks.

There are currently 600 home charging stations listed in Brussels. The installation of an electric terminal has no impact on the cadastral income of a home.


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