Brussels Airlines launches public contest to paint Belgian Icon plane

Brussels Airlines will soon introduce a new Belgian Icon, following the tribute to Tintin, the Smurfs, Tomorrowland, and the Red Devils, to name but a few. This time, the public may devise a design for a new painted airplane again.

Beer, French fries, chocolate, and waffles are out of the question, but otherwise, almost anything is possible if “the design has a ‘wow factor’ and inspires people to visit Belgium.”

On aircraft from March 25

Brussels Airlines says the plane’s Airbus A320 painting must represent Belgium “in an original and artistic way”. “The design must be something Belgium is known for, and Belgians are proud of, without falling too much into clichés,” says marketing director Michel Moriaux. So, no beer or French fries—no food, drink, or brands tout court—”but we like to show our culture, nature, or history.”

Anyone who lives in Belgium or has Belgian nationality and is at least 16 years old can participate in the design contest. After a preliminary selection, the public can vote on several designs in early October. A Brussels Airlines jury will choose the final winner from the public’s top three. The new ‘Belgian Icon’ will join the fleet in March 2025.

AI prohibited

Brussels Airlines currently has three ‘Belgian Icons’ in its fleet: the Tintin aircraft ‘Rackham,’ the Tomorrowland aircraft ‘Amare,’ and the Trident, the official aircraft of the national soccer teams, the Red Devils and the Red Flames.

This is not the first time Brussels Airlines has launched such a design competition. The design of the Smurf aircraft ‘Aero Smurf,’ which flew around between 2018 and 2023, resulted from competition for the public.

Ideas can be submitted through September 27. The design must not have been created using artificial intelligence.


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