Antwerp Airport gets new permit under strict conditions

July 24, 2024

Despite nearly 6,000 submitted objections, the airport in Deurne, also known as Antwerp Airport, has been granted a new environmental permit by Flemish Environment Minister Zuhal Demir (N-VA). The open-ended permit does come with “strict conditions.” For example, there will be a ban on night flights, noise standards will be established, a noise wall must […]

EVs under increasing pressure in the U.S.

July 22, 2024

For years, EVs have been in a state of grace. For different reasons, this is over now. Electric vehicles, especially in the United States, are in for more challenging times. Even more so if a certain Mr. Trump gets elected again. There are multiple reasons for that. The rise of the electric vehicle may have […]

Ghent to collect more traffic fines from foreign LEZ offenders

July 19, 2024

As of October, the Ghent City Council will be able to collect traffic fines in 22 additional European countries, from Spain to Italy to Poland. Previously, this was limited to a few neighboring countries. A European cooperation and the involvement of two Dutch companies makes the fine policy possible. It involves violations of parking policies, […]

Dutch fatbikes have problems getting insured

July 17, 2024

Fatbikes are a fast-growing phenomenon in the Netherlands, with increasing risks of accidents and theft. That’s why a growing number of insurance companies are imposing very stringent conditions for coverage or simply refusing to insure them. The main users of fatbikes in the Netherlands are young people who refuse to wear a helmet and are […]

Lower EU import tariffs for ‘Chinese’ Minis and Cupras?

July 17, 2024

Two sources with knowledge of the matter said the European Commission has signaled to Volkswagen and BMW that it may consider lowering tariffs on their imports of China-made EVs. The sources said the Commission is willing to classify the two automakers as so-called cooperating companies, making them eligible for a 20.8 % additional tariff on […]

Lawsuit threatens NMBS/SNCB over cheaper tickets via app

July 17, 2024

Consumer organization Testaankoop/Test Achat (TA) and equal opportunities center Unia threaten a lawsuit against Belgian public railroad company NMBS/SNCB for “digital discrimination.” This is because some tickets can be purchased cheaper via the app than at the ticket counter and vending machines. Other tickets, in turn, are only available via the app. The two organizations […]

Gatz: ‘Brussels charging station tax would violate regional legislation’

July 16, 2024

The municipal tax on charging stations that several Brussels municipalities want to introduce is contrary to Brussels legislation, says outgoing Minister of Finance and Budget Sven Gatz (Open VLD), who also warns that the tax will hinder Brussels’ economic development. Brussels municipalities want to introduce a charging station tax in 2025. The tax could be […]

De Wever asks Engie to keep nuclear plants open even longer

July 12, 2024

Fresh Belgian ‘formateur’ Bart De Wever (N-VA) has informed Engie that he wants to put “maximum” effort into nuclear energy, writes the business newspaper De Tijd. The intention is to keep Doel 4 and Tihange 3 open longer than the 10-year extension negotiated by the previous Vivaldi government. Whether Engie will comply with the request […]

New Wallonian government wants to introduce highway vignette

July 12, 2024

Wallonia plans to introduce a freeway vignette to finance infrastructure in Wallonia. This is according to the new coalition agreement proposed yesterday by the political parties MR and Les Engagés. Usually, the additional tax would apply only to foreigners. However, a cooperation agreement must first be reached with Flanders and the Brussels Capital Region so […]

Kilometer charge for trucks offsets greening traffic tax

July 10, 2024

The kilometer charge for trucks offsets the Flemish Region’s loss of revenue due to the greening of traffic taxes. This is according to an analysis of 15 years of Flemish fiscal policy by SERV, the consultation and advisory body of Flemish employers’ and employees’ organizations. Over the past three legislatures, traffic taxes in Flanders have […]

EU imposes new slightly adjusted car import tariffs provisionally

July 05, 2024

The EU Commission has imposed the announced special tariffs on imported electric vehicles from China, effective 5 July, but these are still provisional. Talks with the Chinese government are still ongoing. There have also been slight changes to the tariff rates for individual manufacturers. With the provisional special duties that have now been imposed, the […]

Touring calls on Brussels to liberalize LEZ: 600,000 cars involved

June 25, 2024

Mobility organization Touring is calling on the new Brussels government, which has yet to be formed, to include in its policy plan the tightening of the low-emission zone (LEZ) on its territory, which usually takes effect in January 2025. Touring is thus calling for a relaxation of the LEZ. According to the organization, if the […]

CSIS: ‘Chinese EV makers got more than €200 billion of state aid’

June 24, 2024

According to the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), based in Washington, D.C., Chinese car manufacturers received some €216 billion in government aid to produce electric cars. The American think tank’s researcher Scott Kennedy says more than half of it was given as a turnover tax exemption. Other subsidies include premiums for new electric […]

EU carmakers least of all happy with tax wall against Chinese EV imports (update)

June 14, 2024

The EU Commission revealed on Wednesday the rate of the ‘intended’ extra taxes on imported Chinese EVs, ranging from 17.4 to 38.1% on top of the existing 10% import duties on all cars today. China, meanwhile, accuses the EU of intended protectionism and warns “not to go the wrong way.” It threatens to open a […]

MR and Groen diagonally opposed about reversing Brussels Good Move plan

June 13, 2024

With the stalemate between the liberal MR party and Groen, the two big winners in the French and Dutch language groups in Brussels of the national elections, it looks like the Good Move mobility plan will become the topic of the municipal elections in October. MR president Georges-Louis Bouchez is determined that Good Move must […]

‘Ghent factory won’t build the Volvo EX90’

June 11, 2024

According to The Times, Volvo is investigating plans to shift some of its manufacturing output from China to Ghent in response to the upcoming new import tariffs from the EU. The ramp-up to build units of the EX30 in Belgium would be accelerated, while reportedly, the EX90 is also named for a production move. The […]

One-third bicycle accidents due to failure to apply right of way rules correctly

June 10, 2024

According to a new study by Vias Institute, failure to correctly give the right of way is involved in one in three serious cycling accidents in Flanders. Responsibility for the accident lies as often with the cyclist as with the other road user. And two-thirds of accidents are largely due to human error. Still, according […]

New York governor torpedoes Manhattan congestion charge

June 07, 2024

The Manhattan congestion charge, planned for activation in late June this year, has been axed. New York State Governor Kathy Hochul announced the “indefinite suspension” of the controversial charge, which was modeled after similar low-emission zones in London, Stockholm, and Singapore. “I’ve made a tough decision: implementing the traffic tax puts too much at risk […]

New Belgian road code is now official

June 05, 2024

The current Belgian road code, which is some half a century old, will be modernized from 1 September 2026. This news was already known, but with the king signing the text yesterday, the new traffic rules are now officially in place. The new modern code gives everyone a fairer place on public roads – read: […]

Testing fraud found at four Japanese automakers

June 04, 2024

Sales of certain Japanese models, like the Mazda MX-5 RF and Toyota Yaris Cross, have been halted. Four Japanese automakers have been found liable for manipulating testing data. Toyota, Mazda, Suzuki, and Honda say they will do anything to comply and restore customer confidence. The new fraud scandal follows in the slipstream of the earlier […]

Electric payroll cars surge fivefold over a two-year period

May 29, 2024

Despite much political debate about governmental subsidising, Belgium has witnessed a major transformation in its employee salary car fleet. The number of electric payroll cars has grown fivefold from early 2022 to the end of 2023. This shift, reported by the National Office of Social Security (RSZ), may not be to the liking of public […]

Engie asks half billion extra for nuclear extension

May 28, 2024

Engie Electrabel is demanding 500 to 600 million euros in compensation from the Belgian government as the lifetime extension of two nuclear power plants disrupts the previously planned decommissioning plan. So, reports business newspaper De Tijd, which consulted the annexes to Electrabel’s annual accounts published last week. The government does not agree and has requested […]

City of Brussels wants measures against exhaust pipe terror

May 28, 2024

The Brussels city council wants the Brussels Region to take measures against noise from amplified engines and exhaust pipes in the capital’s streets. To this end, the city council approved a resolution by Councilor Mathias Vanden Borre (N-VA) on the issue. According to the World Health Organization, noise is the second biggest environmental cause of […]

Flanders demands daily penalty payments over Brussels Airport flight paths

May 27, 2024

The Flemish government will start new proceedings before the Court of Appeal to demand penalty payments of 100,000 euros per day if the federal government does not adjust the flight routes over the Flemish periphery again. Flemish Periphery Minister Ben Weyts (N-VA) announced this in a press release. Federal Mobility Minister Georges Gilkinet (Ecolo) called […]

Number of fare dodgers at De Lijn increases by +70%

May 24, 2024

Despite more checks, the number of fare dodgers at Flemish public transport company De Lijn has increased by more than 70% in five years. Moreover, De Lijn is losing a lot of money because half do not pay their fines. Last year, for example, 4,1 million euros out of a total of 8,2 million euros […]

‘Netherlands back to 130 km/h nullifies effect of half a million EVs’

May 22, 2024

The Netherlands is going to reverse the maximum speed limit on highways during the day from 100 to 130 km/hour, the new government coalition with the PVV party of Geert Wilders, NSC, BBB, and the VVD party of ex-premier Mark Rutte vowed. But this will nullify in one blow the gain in emission reduction of […]

London donates 110 ‘scrap’ ULEZ vehicles for Ukrainian aid

May 21, 2024

Over 100 vehicles have been donated to Ukraine through London’s ultra-low emission zone (ULEZ) scrappage program. Twenty of those vehicles have already arrived in the war-torn country this weekend, and another thirteen are en route. Transportation is vital for saving lives during the war. Once Londoners are accepted to the Ulez scrappage scheme and donate […]

Brussels Airlines challenges Brussels Airport’s new permit

May 21, 2024

Brussels Airlines is going to the Council for Permit Disputes against the new environmental permit for Brussels Airport. According to the airline, European rules were not respected. Thirteen environmental organizations and residents’ associations are also taking the same step, following the lead of the Walloon government and Brussels Environment Minister Alain Maron (Ecolo). They say […]

EU’s tougher emission standards for trucks and buses written in stone

May 14, 2024

By 2030, trucks and other heavy-duty vehicles in Europe must reduce their CO2 emissions by 45% from 2019 levels. That threshold will then be raised to 65% by 2035 and 90% by 2040 – the average lifespan of a truck is 18 years, that’s why. The European Parliament had previously approved these new emission standards, […]

Average delay in Wallonia for technical car inspection is 58 days

May 13, 2024

Last year, almost 1.2 million cars were presented for technical inspection in Wallonia. According to statistics from the Public Service of Wallonia, Mobility, and Infrastructure, 20% of them came later than the expiry date of the inspection certificate. On average, Walloons were 58 days late; in 2019, for example, it was 55 days. Different problems […]

MediaMarkt sells ‘street-illegal’ e-scooter with 70 km/h topspeed

May 09, 2024

Electronics chain MediaMarkt, which opened its first European ‘Urban Mobility Store’ in Antwerp on Tuesday, is selling a racing e-scooter that reaches 70 km/h. Such devices are not allowed on public roads in Belgium, where the maximum speed is 25 km/h. However, the electric chain claims that such a device is “ideal for commuting,” says […]

Vinci: ‘aggressive behavior, insults, and stress prevail among EU drivers’

May 08, 2024

Despite prevention campaigns and an apparent increase in the number of people killed on the road in 2024, aggressive behavior, insults, and stress still prevail among European drivers. These are the conclusions of the 14th ‘Barometre de la Conduite Responsable’, a study by market research company Ipsos, published on Tuesday by the French foundation Vinci […]

High Health Council wants ban on night flights at Brussels Airport

May 08, 2024

The Belgian High Health Council is calling for a ban on night flights at Brussels Airport. This is the advisory body’s first recommendation of such a measure. According to the Council, at least 160,000 people living nearby are at increased risk of negative health effects, such as disturbed sleep, reduced lung function, and changes in […]

Flanders’ nest egg for EV premiums already exhausted in five months

May 08, 2024

The Flemish region is the only one in Belgium to grant a premium of up to 5,000 euros for private persons purchasing a new electric vehicle with a list price under €40,000. Second-hand EVs are awarded a premium of up to €3,000. But five months after installation, the €20 million of Flanders’ nest egg for […]

Liège Airport gets new environmental permit

May 02, 2024

The Walloon government has granted Liège Airport a new environmental permit. The Council of State initially threatened to annul that. Still, strengthening the permit’s legal basis, including the limit of 55,000 authorized flights per year, remedied that shortcoming. At the end of February, the auditor at the State Council ordered the annulment of the license […]

From next year, Flemish teachers can lease a bicycle cheaply

May 02, 2024

From next year, teachers will be able to use part of their gross end-of-year bonus to lease a regular or electric bicycle. According to Flemish Minister of Education Ben Weyts (N-VA), the option is part of a series of measures to make remuneration for the teaching job more up-to-date and attractive. Among them are a […]

14% of CARA fit-to-drive tests resulted in final ban in 2023

April 29, 2024

Last year, 5,317 Flemish people took a fit-to-drive test at the CARA center. Almost fourteen percent of them received negative driving advice, meaning that even with car adjustments or driver license restrictions, they could no longer participate safely in traffic. CARA, a subdivision of the traffic institute Vias, is the Test Center for Fitness to […]

Brussels restriction on shared e-scooters suspended

April 26, 2024

The Council of State is blowing the Brussels government the whistle over its decision to limit the number of shared e-scooters, according to newspapers La Libre Belgique and La Dernière Heure. Brussels Mobility Minister Elke Van den Brandt (Groen) reacted with disappointment but was delighted that the Council did uphold the drop zones and fines […]

Dieselgate: Continenal fined for 100 million euros

April 26, 2024

Automotive supplier Continental has agreed to a 100 million euro fine imposed by prosecutors for its involvement in the notorious dieselgate emissions scandal. The fine was due to a “negligent breach of supervisory duties”, meaning the company undertook too little to inspect responsibility and managers for the supply of engine control units and related software […]

Belgian driver with €6.2 million in outstanding fines stopped (update)

April 26, 2024

On Wednesday, during an extensive joint police and customs control in South Limburg, a motorist was intercepted with outstanding fines totaling at least 6,238,607 euros. The man – an 81-year-old Limburg advertiser – could not pay the amount, causing the police to confiscate his vehicle. Jean-Paul N. was sentenced to four years in prison in […]

Accidents involving e-bikes almost as bad as those involving motorcyclists

April 24, 2024

E-bikes are popular among the elderly, and the number of Belgians buying them is rising. Still, you better use a helmet when you get on your e-bike. According to a recent study from Zurich, the injuries you can suffer in a fall or accident are even more comparable to those of motorcyclists rather than conventional […]

Flanders: vehicle tax reform lead to limited drop in CO2 emissions

April 23, 2024

According to a study by the Federal Planning Office, the 2012 reform of the Flemish vehicle registration tax (BIV) led to a faster but small decrease in CO2 emissions from new passenger cars in Flanders. The additional impact of the Flemish reform of the annual circulation tax in 2016 and the premium for emission-free cars, […]

T&E: ‘Airlines barely pay for their CO2 emissions in Europe’

April 22, 2024

Low-cost airlines pollute more than ever, the NGO Transport & Environment (T&E) denounces in a new report. All passenger flights taking off in Europe last year emitted as much CO2 as 80 million petrol cars in one year. However, airlines, according to the NGO fighting for more environmentally friendly transport, had to pay for less […]

German court might force Volkswagen to drop ID. badge

April 19, 2024

The claims over unjustified name use on car models come in waves. The latest in the line is Volkswagen, which faces a court case from a former supplier over its ID badge. Identytec, a logistics hardware and software provider, is appealing to the court. For over 15 years, the company has used the abbreviation of […]

Most drivers adjust driving behavior after speeding fine

April 19, 2024

In 2023, 30% of Belgians received a traffic fine, the vast majority for a speeding offense. A survey conducted by Traffic Safety Institute Vias now shows that two out of three drivers do adjust their driving behavior after receiving a speeding ticket. The Federal Highway Police and local police are also organizing the twentieth-speed camera […]

Ecolo continues to push for 100 kph on motorways

April 15, 2024

Ecolo, the French-speaking Green party in Belgium, remains behind its choice for 100 kph on motorways in Belgium. At the Flemish Green Party, the proposal is no longer to be found in the 2024 election program. Coalition partner Ecolo does want to go full steam ahead with it, writes the newspaper La Dernière Heure, but […]

Bike more popular than car in inner Paris

April 12, 2024

In Paris, the bicycle has overtaken the car as a means of transport and is now behind walking and public transport. According to a survey by the Paris Region Institute (IPR), conducted at the request of some 15 public and private institutions, Parisians use bicycles more, chosen for 11,2% of intramural trips, than cars, with […]

Stricter EU CO2 standards for buses and trucks

April 12, 2024

The European Parliament has approved stricter CO2 standards for buses and trucks. This includes the requirement that all new buses should be emission-free by 2035 and almost all new trucks by 2040. The European Council still must give the green light, but this is considered a formality. A complete ban on combustion engines for lorries […]

As from now EU charging points must display prices and allow bank cards

April 12, 2024

Charging stations installed as of tomorrow must be in rule with Europe’s latest standards. Just like conventional fuel forecourts, they will display real-time prices and allow payment through bank cards. The regulations take effect as Europe has finalized its fifth funding round for AFIR (Alternative Fuels Infrastructure Regulations), largely expanding the continent’s charging infrastructure. The […]

Deal on US subsidies for European EVs stranded (again)

April 12, 2024

Officials failed to reach on agreement on EV subsidies for cars exported from the EU to the US. The recent negotiations were considered a last chance before presidential elections might turn the tables. However, negotiations will continue. The EU and the US have held talks for some time to reach a bilateral agreement over EV […]

Record number of traffic fines for De Lijn, accounting for over €173 000

April 10, 2024

The business newspaper De Tijd reports that drivers of the Flemish public transport company De Lijn received a record number and amount of traffic fines last year. Altogether, 2,531 traffic violations were recorded, accounting for a fine amount of over 173,000 euros. Compared with 2022, the previous record year, the number of offenses recorded is […]

NMBS/SNCB: Trains more punctual, and better refund for 100 000 commuters

April 09, 2024

For the first time since August, more than nine out of ten NMBS/SNCB trains ran on time in March, i.e., with less than 6 minutes delay upon arrival in Brussels or at the ultimate destination. According to the NMBS/SNCB, these are “the best punctuality figures since the full resumption of rail traffic after the COVID-19 […]

Brussels LEZ tightening under discussion again

April 05, 2024

The French-speaking Brussels socialist party PS wants the ban on diesel vehicles with emission class Euro 5, which will apply from January 2025, to be postponed for two years. The socio-liberal DéFI also wants a review of the low-emission zone (LEZ) rules. Energia, the former Belgian Petroleum Federation, in turn, wants the rules around the […]

New Jersey takes lead in ‘punishing’ EVs with $250 road tax

April 05, 2024

New Jersey, the US’s ‘Garden State’, is imposing the highest road tax on electric vehicles nationwide, requiring a $250 fee yearly, increasing by $10 each year to top off at $290 in 2028. The money is used for the state’s Transportation Trust Fund to maintain roads, railways, and bridges. While EVs worldwide are mostly exempted […]

Flanders offers €3 million for e-truck chargers and ‘innovative solutons’

April 04, 2024

Flemish minister for Mobility Lydia Peeters (Open Vld) has launched a new project call to improve the charging infrastructure for heavy electric commercial vehicles. Not only chargers but also innovative solutions like battery swap stations are eligible for the €3 million subsidy allocation. This isn’t the first time the Flemish government has offered to subsidize […]

Norwegian electric fleet set to surpass gasoline this year

April 04, 2024

The fuel mix of Norway’s national fleet is nearing a watershed moment. The share of electric cars is poised to eclipse gasoline cars by the end of the year. As a result, fossil fuel sales are also declining. Battery electric vehicles (BEVs) are on the verge of outnumbering petrol cars in Norway, signaling a potentially […]

Opposing reactions to new permit for Brussels Airport

April 02, 2024

The granting of Brussels Airport Company’s new environmental permit is provoking opposed reactions. According to the citizen forum Burgerforum Luchthavenregio, the Flemish government has let down the residents of the surrounding municipalities around the airport. The Federal Ombudsman also feels that health and pollution have not been sufficiently considered. The Flemish liberal political party Open […]

Shutting down 2G network will make eCall useless in 36 million cars

March 29, 2024

Carmakers face a million-euro debacle as telecom operators plan to shut down the 2G network, enabling the compulsory safety system eCall. Considered outdated and inefficient, replacing 2G might trigger a recall for over 36 million cars. Who will pay for the upgrade? In Europe, mobile operators are gearing up to shut down their 2G networks, […]

Touring urges Brussels to ‘ease’ LEZ exclusion of 850,000 vehicles

March 26, 2024

Mobility organization Touring is calling for a moratorium on the Euro 5 ban in Brussels from January 2025. Tightening the allowable emissions standard in the Brussels Region would exclude 850,000 vehicles, including 700,000 passenger cars and 150,000 vans. Touring says a moratorium would encourage a smoother transition to EVs, pending a more diverse and affordable […]

Flemish EV premium: Citroën and Tesla most popular brands

March 25, 2024

Citroën, Tesla, and Volvo are the top three in the applications for a Flemish premium for an electric car. So, reports Mobility Minister Lydia Peeters (Open VLD). Meanwhile, there are already 2,006 completed applications, and almost half of the premiums have already been distributed. A total of 2,006 completed applications have now been received. These […]