EU agrees on heavier 4.25 ton e-vans with regular B license

March 01, 2024

The European Parliament has agreed on a new set of regulations concerning driver’s licenses. One of the plans is to increase the weight limiThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Vias: ‘53% of fatal car accidents are one-sided’

March 01, 2024

In Belgium, almost one in five injury accidents is a unilateral accident, a traffic accident involving only one road user – a motorist or This content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Volvo Cars introduces ‘Accident Ahead Alert’

February 29, 2024

Volvo Cars’ connected safety technology can now alert drivers of accidents ahead. You’re driving down a winding country road. It’s impThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Lanklaar bicycle bridge and ecoduct will be ready in April

February 27, 2024

The Roads and Traffic Agency (Agentschap Wegen en Verkeer, AWV) is building a bicycle bridge and an ecoduct over the Boslaan (N75) in LanklaThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Flanders sees bike paths in good condition increase slightly

February 26, 2024

The number of bicycle paths along regional roads in Flanders that are in excellent or decent condition has increased slightly, by 3,3%, to 6This content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Vias pleads for introduction of laughing gas controls

February 21, 2024

Traffic Safety Institute Vias pleads for the introduction of controls for nitrous oxide – the so-called ‘laughing gas’ – on the road. ThThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Dutch ANWB & German ADAC warn for unsafe safety jackets

February 15, 2024

According to research by the Dutch mobility organization ANWB and its German sister club ADAC (Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil-Club), some sThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Dutch police newly armed to catch overpowered e-bikes

February 14, 2024

The Dutch police have a new weapon against high-speed and high-power electric bicycles. They recently introduced a roadside testing platformThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Flanders: technical inspection every two years until 160,000 km

February 13, 2024

Flemish Minister of Mobility Lydia Peeters (Open Vld) resolutely opts for more structural measures to address the capacity problems at the tThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

One step closer to Brussels Ring 2.0

January 29, 2024

The Flemish government has approved the Regional Spatial Implementation Plan for the northern part of the Ring Road around Brussels, bringinThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Smartphone use: focus on road or losing driver’s license

January 29, 2024

The public prosecutor’s office in Limburg has announced stricter action against mobile phone use behind the wheel. From February 1st, anyoneThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Venice to install speed cameras for boats

January 26, 2024

Venice will install speed cameras for boats along its world-famous canals. The city hopes this measure will limit the speed of motorized boaThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

T&E: ‘Cars are getting 1 cm wider every two years’

January 23, 2024

Car manufacturers are making increasingly wider cars. For instance, the 1974 Volkswagen Golf was ‘only’ 1,610 m wide, but the 2019 version mThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

TomTom index: London is still world’s ‘slowest city’

January 10, 2024

London still has the world’s slowest city center for motorists. That’s according to the new TomTom index. This puts the British capital at tThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Flemish Traffic Center looking for ten extra controllers

December 28, 2023

The Flemish Traffic Center, the watchdog of traffic jams in the most populated Belgian Region, which has been counting traffic to calculate This content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Robotaxi company Cruise fires one fourth of its employees

December 18, 2023

GM daughter Cruise, a robotaxi company, is said to have fired one out of four employees. That’s approximately 900 people and 24% of all fullThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Belgian government to define ban on ‘laughing gas’

December 18, 2023

On Friday, the Belgian Federal Council of Ministers will consider the final details of a Royal Decree to ban nitrous oxide, the so-called ‘lThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Belgium gets revamped road code in 2025 with bunch of new signs

December 14, 2023

Federal Mobility Minister Georges Gilkinet (Ecolo) has presented the new code of public roads. The current Belgian road code was about half This content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

VSV campaigns on keeping truck driver’s dashboard cleared

December 01, 2023

Research by the Flemish Foundation for Traffic Knowledge (Vlaamse Stichting Verkeerskunde, VSV) shows that half of the truck drivers place oThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Belgian coastal bicycle highway is taking shape

November 28, 2023

The F34 bicycle highway between Ostend and Zeebrugge (Belgium) is taking shape. It will connect Nieuwpoort and Knokke-Heist and bicycle trafThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Speed cameras also to catch speed pedelecs in cycling zones

November 27, 2023

Municipalities will soon be allowed to install fixed speed cameras and average speed checks in bicycle streets. The Flemish government has dThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Fedris: ‘More road accidents while commuting in 2022’

November 27, 2023

According to the Federal Agency for Occupational Risks (Fedris), the number of work accidents on the road has significantly increased comparThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Private pickup registrations in Belgium slashed in half

November 27, 2023

The new fiscal rules for pickups, making them no longer exempt from registration taxes and losing the low annual road tax prerogative, have This content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Toward 50 km/h on the Paris Ring Road

November 23, 2023

The speed limit on the Paris Ring Road will drop from 70 to 50 km/hour. Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo announced this during the presentation of tThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Vias’ twelve point plan to reduce traffic casualties

November 14, 2023

In 2022, 540 people died in Belgian traffic – one out of three fatalities was a cyclist or pedestrian. This score is far from the target oThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Subaru, Porsche, and BMW have the riskiest drivers – or not?

November 13, 2023

In a recent analysis of UK accident data conducted by the University of the West of England, academics have found car marketing to play a roThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

No green light for self-driving car in Belgium

November 08, 2023

Cars that are highly ‘self-driving’ will not be allowed to drive on Belgian roads for now. Mobility Minister Georges Gilkinet (Ecolo) remainThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Cycling grows in popularity by 7% in Brussels

November 07, 2023

Cycling in Brussels is becoming increasingly popular. So reports the Brussels public service Brussels Mobility. Last week, for instance, theThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Thick-headed traffic offenders await mandatory course

October 27, 2023

Belgian courts may force people who commit serious traffic offenses to take a reintegration course from 2024. The aim is to reduce the risk This content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Task force ‘autonomous transport’ launched in Flanders

October 09, 2023

Flemish Mobility Minister Lydia Peeters (Open VLD) launched a ‘Flemish Task Force Autonomous Transport’, in view to coordinate and acceleratThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

ANPR cameras catch 10.714 drivers for unpaid road tax

September 27, 2023

The widely spread ANPR cameras along Flemish roads in Belgium have caught 10 714 car drivers in traffic who didn’t pay the yearly road tax iThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Belgium goes for national register against bicycle theft

September 18, 2023

In January, there will be a central bicycle register in Belgium to fight bicycle theft. Federal Mobility Minister Georges Gilkinet (Ecolo) cThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Peeters determined to break up car inspection center monopoly

September 12, 2023

Flemish Mobility Minister Lydia Peeters (Open Vld) will break up the monopoly of car inspection centers in Flanders. In the future, drivers This content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Gotthard tunnel closed due to 25-meter crack in ceiling

September 11, 2023

The Gotthard tunnel, at 16,9 km the longest road tunnel in Switzerland, has been closed since Sunday. The reason is a crack in the ceiling oThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Rome follows Brussels and drastically reduces e-scooters

September 05, 2023

Rome has not gone as far as Paris, but instead of a total ban, the Eternal City, following the example of Brussels, is limiting the number oThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Flanders makes GPS use mandatory part of practical driving exam

September 05, 2023

Driving according to the guidelines of a GPS will become a mandatory part of the practical driving test as of October 1st. So, candidate driThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Belgium to revoke 15-minute waiting period before alcohol test

September 01, 2023

Mobility Minister Georges Gilkinet (Ecolo) is to amend the existing breath test procedure. The possibility of requesting a 15-minute waitingThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Paris says adieu to rental e-scooter, Brussels to follow?

August 31, 2023

In Paris, one of 15 000 shared e-scooters can be ridden for the last time today. From September 1st, they will be banned from the French capThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Ghent goes for big cycling festival and congress

August 30, 2023

Next summer, Ghent wants to organize Velo-city, a significant cycling festival and congress. The city council has set aside 180 000 euros foThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Vias: ‘Far fewer traffic deaths on Belgian roads in 2023’

August 28, 2023

The number of road deaths in Belgium decreased by 21% in the first six months of the year compared to last year. Last year, 287 people died This content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Wallonia regulates shared e-scooters and bikes in public spaces

August 25, 2023

The Walloon government has adopted a decree to regulate fleets of shared bicycles and e-scooters in cities and to ensure more sustainable maThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

ACEA: ‘13% fewer road fatalities in EU compared to 2019’

August 22, 2023

Road fatalities in the European Union dropped by almost 13% in 2021 compared to 2019. In 2021, they decreased in 22 of the 27 EU member statThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Dutch ‘deadly’ Stint executives risk life imprisonment

August 18, 2023

Five years after the accident with the Stint electric cargo cart in Oss (the Netherlands), in which four children died in a collision with aThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

E-vans over 3,5 tons to get tachograph exception in Belgium?

August 17, 2023

In an effort to further stimulate the adoption of electric vans for goods transport, Belgian Federal Minister for Mobility Georges Gilkinet This content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.