Walloon Brabant studies network of cycle routes

July 26, 2024

SPW Mobilité, the Public Service for Walloon Mobility, is completing a study on the creation of a network of cycle routes in Walloon Brabant, writes the newspaper L’Avenir. The initiative was developed in consultation with the province, 27 municipalities, and stakeholders, such as the cycling association Gracq and NMBS/SNCB. Compared to Flanders, Wallonia lags in […]

ANPR cameras lead to record number of traffic violations in Belgium

July 23, 2024

Belgian police issued 8,420,303 traffic violations last year, or 10,6% more than in 2022. That accounts for a new record. Four out of five cases involved speeding; compared to 2022, 11,8% more speeding drivers were caught. Police attribute the rising figures to the higher number of intelligent ANPR cameras, especially the higher number of average […]

T&E: ‘20% more dangerous and gas-guzzling RAM pickups imported in EU’

July 04, 2024

According to the environmental organization Transport & Environment (T&E), the number of dangerous Dodge Rams on European roads is “disturbingly high and continues to rise”. In 2023, about 5,000 new Dodge Rams were imported into Europe, up 20% from the previous year. There are now at least 20,000 Dodge Rams on European roads. The EU […]

Number of Belgian road deaths down for first time in three years

June 26, 2024

According to Statbel, the Belgian statistics office, 501 people lost their lives in accidents on Belgian roads in 2023. Accident figures also decreased again last year after increasing in 2021 and 2022. Also striking: the number of accidents fell more sharply in Brussels than in the rest of the country. Last year, there were 36,855 […]

420 ton bicycle-pedestrian tunnel pushed under railway in Langdorp

June 18, 2024

Infrabel has pushed a new bicycle and pedestrian tunnel under the Leuven-Aarschot-Hasselt railway line in Langdorp. Final work on the tunnel still needs to be finished, but cyclists and pedestrians will be able to use it by the end of this year. This weekend, the tunnel was moved into place using a unique sliding system, […]

MR and Groen diagonally opposed about reversing Brussels Good Move plan

June 13, 2024

With the stalemate between the liberal MR party and Groen, the two big winners in the French and Dutch language groups in Brussels of the national elections, it looks like the Good Move mobility plan will become the topic of the municipal elections in October. MR president Georges-Louis Bouchez is determined that Good Move must […]

One-third bicycle accidents due to failure to apply right of way rules correctly

June 10, 2024

According to a new study by Vias Institute, failure to correctly give the right of way is involved in one in three serious cycling accidents in Flanders. Responsibility for the accident lies as often with the cyclist as with the other road user. And two-thirds of accidents are largely due to human error. Still, according […]

New Belgian road code is now official

June 05, 2024

The current Belgian road code, which is some half a century old, will be modernized from 1 September 2026. This news was already known, but with the king signing the text yesterday, the new traffic rules are now officially in place. The new modern code gives everyone a fairer place on public roads – read: […]

Flanders agrees on car re-inspection by approved repairers

May 31, 2024

At the demand of Flemish Mobility Minister Lydia Peeters, the Flemish government has consented to a five-year pilot project allowing approved repairers to proceed to certain car re-inspections. The project aims to reduce the waiting lines and times at the official inspection centers. After evaluation, another 5 years can be added. The Minister expects that […]

Flemish provinces launch joint cycling website ‘fietsbarometer.be’

May 31, 2024

The five Flemish provincial governments have launched ‘fietsbarometer.be’, a website offering all information on cycling data. With the site, they want to map all existing and future cycling initiatives and gain better insight into the cost of investments in cycling infrastructure and road safety. Four themes On the website, you can choose from four themes: […]

Touring: Over a quarter of traffic fatalities due to street furniture

May 31, 2024

Over a quarter of fatal road accidents in Flanders and Wallonia are due to off-road obstacles such as trees, traffic poles, and crash barriers, according to an annual analysis by mobility organization Touring reported by the newspaper Het Laatste Nieuws. In 2022, it was 77 out of 282 road deaths in Flanders and 77 out […]

City of Brussels wants measures against exhaust pipe terror

May 28, 2024

The Brussels city council wants the Brussels Region to take measures against noise from amplified engines and exhaust pipes in the capital’s streets. To this end, the city council approved a resolution by Councilor Mathias Vanden Borre (N-VA) on the issue. According to the World Health Organization, noise is the second biggest environmental cause of […]

Greece imposes new restrictions for electrified vehicles on ferries

May 28, 2024

Those planning an electrified car holiday for the upcoming summer must plan their trip when visiting Greek islands. The European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) and the International Union of Marine Insurance (IUMI) have imposed new safety guidelines on electric and hybrid vehicles traveling on ferries, which Greece has adopted as restrictions. For safety reasons, electric […]

59 accidents caused by ignoring red light in Brussels

May 27, 2024

Last year, 59 accidents were caused by ignoring red lights in Brussels. From 1 June, Brussels will launch a new awareness campaign, “Do you think 1 minute before the red light is too long?” to call on motorists, cyclists, steppers, and pedestrians alike to obey traffic rules and respect traffic lights. Vulnerable road users are […]

Infrabel deploys AI cameras at railway crossings for safety

May 20, 2024

Track runners and incidents at level crossings cause more than 12 hours of delays every day on the entire Belgian rail network. To improve safety at level crossings and train punctuality, rail network manager Infrabel is now using artificial intelligence (AI). By the end of this year, 70-level crossings will be equipped with AI cameras […]

Half of Flanders’ streetlights are already LEDs

May 16, 2024

Of the approximately 1.2 million streetlights along Flemish roads, some 640,000 have now received LED lighting. By the end of 2028, all streetlights in the Flemish cities and municipalities should have LEDs. “Switching to LED lamps will provide energy savings of as much as 30% – or 30.876 tons of CO2 – compared to 2015 […]

Oosterweel starts tunneling under Albert Canal

May 16, 2024

Lantis and contractor consortium TM Roco have started the construction of the channel tunnels between the future Oosterweel junction, located on the right bank of Antwerp near the Noordkasteel, and the Antwerp Ring Road. The tunnels, which start at the America Dock and run under the Albert Canal, should be ready by 2030 and form […]

Losing up to 1h15 in traffic jams on Brussels Ring

May 14, 2024

These days, it is best to avoid the Leonard intersection on the Brussels Ring with the E411 highway and an even broader area around it in Tervuren. Due to the work on the Leonard Tunnel, there is a lot of traffic congestion around the tunnel complex, which will cause you to lose at least one […]

Average delay in Wallonia for technical car inspection is 58 days

May 13, 2024

Last year, almost 1.2 million cars were presented for technical inspection in Wallonia. According to statistics from the Public Service of Wallonia, Mobility, and Infrastructure, 20% of them came later than the expiry date of the inspection certificate. On average, Walloons were 58 days late; in 2019, for example, it was 55 days. Different problems […]

Brussels Avenue Charles Quint to become green urban boulevard

May 13, 2024

Boulevard Charles Quint in Brussels is to be transformed into a city boulevard with more greenery and cycle paths. Brussels Mobility has applied for planning permission to do so. The avenue, which runs from the commune of Berchem-Sainte-Agathe through Ganshoren to the Basilica of Koekelberg, is an important but unattractive access route to the capital. […]

MediaMarkt sells ‘street-illegal’ e-scooter with 70 km/h topspeed

May 09, 2024

Electronics chain MediaMarkt, which opened its first European ‘Urban Mobility Store’ in Antwerp on Tuesday, is selling a racing e-scooter that reaches 70 km/h. Such devices are not allowed on public roads in Belgium, where the maximum speed is 25 km/h. However, the electric chain claims that such a device is “ideal for commuting,” says […]

Vinci: ‘aggressive behavior, insults, and stress prevail among EU drivers’

May 08, 2024

Despite prevention campaigns and an apparent increase in the number of people killed on the road in 2024, aggressive behavior, insults, and stress still prevail among European drivers. These are the conclusions of the 14th ‘Barometre de la Conduite Responsable’, a study by market research company Ipsos, published on Tuesday by the French foundation Vinci […]

Brussels university develops sensor to avoid blind spot accidents

May 03, 2024

Research center Imec and eXia, a spin-off of the VUB (University Brussels), have developed the ‘Active Side Guard Blind Spot Sensor’, a revolutionary warning system that should prevent blind spot accidents involving trucks. Last year, the number of fatal blind spot accidents increased by 10% to a record level of 136 casualties. For comparison, in […]

Georges Massing: ‘Autonomous driving will come, slowly but inevitably’

May 03, 2024

One of the speakers at the Automotive eMotion Summit organized by sector federation Febiac a few months ago was Georges Massing, who is working for Mercedes-Benz on autonomous driving and the integration of this in the car. Massing is Vice-President MB.OS Autonomous Driving and E/E Integration. In his contribution, Massing put great emphasis on safety. […]

14% of CARA fit-to-drive tests resulted in final ban in 2023

April 29, 2024

Last year, 5,317 Flemish people took a fit-to-drive test at the CARA center. Almost fourteen percent of them received negative driving advice, meaning that even with car adjustments or driver license restrictions, they could no longer participate safely in traffic. CARA, a subdivision of the traffic institute Vias, is the Test Center for Fitness to […]

Brussels restriction on shared e-scooters suspended

April 26, 2024

The Council of State is blowing the Brussels government the whistle over its decision to limit the number of shared e-scooters, according to newspapers La Libre Belgique and La Dernière Heure. Brussels Mobility Minister Elke Van den Brandt (Groen) reacted with disappointment but was delighted that the Council did uphold the drop zones and fines […]

Accidents involving e-bikes almost as bad as those involving motorcyclists

April 24, 2024

E-bikes are popular among the elderly, and the number of Belgians buying them is rising. Still, you better use a helmet when you get on your e-bike. According to a recent study from Zurich, the injuries you can suffer in a fall or accident are even more comparable to those of motorcyclists rather than conventional […]

Most drivers adjust driving behavior after speeding fine

April 19, 2024

In 2023, 30% of Belgians received a traffic fine, the vast majority for a speeding offense. A survey conducted by Traffic Safety Institute Vias now shows that two out of three drivers do adjust their driving behavior after receiving a speeding ticket. The Federal Highway Police and local police are also organizing the twentieth-speed camera […]

Ghent police tests 112 interventions with Volkswagen ID.4

April 19, 2024

The police zone of Ghent has started testing the feasibility of electric drivelines for intervention vehicles. As of today, one anonymous and one stripped Volkswagen ID.4 are patrolling the streets of the city, not only to monitor safety but also to gather feedback on operational viability. ‘Politiezone Gent Conceptcar EPV’ reads a sticker on the […]

Ecolo continues to push for 100 kph on motorways

April 15, 2024

Ecolo, the French-speaking Green party in Belgium, remains behind its choice for 100 kph on motorways in Belgium. At the Flemish Green Party, the proposal is no longer to be found in the 2024 election program. Coalition partner Ecolo does want to go full steam ahead with it, writes the newspaper La Dernière Heure, but […]

Bike more popular than car in inner Paris

April 12, 2024

In Paris, the bicycle has overtaken the car as a means of transport and is now behind walking and public transport. According to a survey by the Paris Region Institute (IPR), conducted at the request of some 15 public and private institutions, Parisians use bicycles more, chosen for 11,2% of intramural trips, than cars, with […]

Record number of traffic fines for De Lijn, accounting for over €173 000

April 10, 2024

The business newspaper De Tijd reports that drivers of the Flemish public transport company De Lijn received a record number and amount of traffic fines last year. Altogether, 2,531 traffic violations were recorded, accounting for a fine amount of over 173,000 euros. Compared with 2022, the previous record year, the number of offenses recorded is […]

Cruise reboots its autonomous driving program with… drivers

April 10, 2024

After an accident in San Francisco caused Cruise to suspend its operations with its robotaxi fleet nationwide, it announced that it would restart driving on public roads. However, GM’s subsidiary is straightening its back carefully, as this first batch of vehicles is equipped with a driver on board. Cruise has chosen Phoenix as the gateway […]

Additional works in Leonard Tunnel cause more disruption

April 10, 2024

The Roads and Traffic Agency reports that additional work has unexpectedly emerged during the renovation of the Leonard Tunnel in Tervuren. From 16 April, these will cause serious disruption to traffic and residents of the Brussels and Flemish municipalities around the site. The Auderghem municipality and the Brussels Region have called on the Flemish authorities […]

ADAC warns for safety of pop-out door handles

April 08, 2024

In their quest to squeeze as much range as possible from their electric models, automakers have launched a trend towards flush door handles. They are sleek and aerodynamic, but the German automobile club ADAC points to safety risks witnessed in real-life incidents. Tesla popularised them and introduced pop-out door handles in 2012 as one of […]

Vias: ‘helmets with built-in infotainment systems can cause distractions’

April 08, 2024

With the arrival of spring, many motorcyclists are also jumping back on their bikes. Road Safety Institute Vias wants to warn motorbike enthusiasts about all kinds of distractions on their bikes, such as helmets with built-in infotainment systems. Although there is no evidence that such systems can contribute to road accidents, Vias nevertheless calls for […]

EU recognizes cycling as key element in its mobility strategy

April 04, 2024

The European Union wants to work on improving cycling infrastructure among its member states and wants to make (electric) cycling more attractive. This is stated in the “European Declaration on the Use of Bicycles,” signed by the EU’s three central legislative institutions on Wednesday. “Cycling has numerous benefits: it reduces pollution and traffic congestion and […]

‘Families prefer car over train and bus as most attractive option’

April 03, 2024

The car is still the preferred mode of transport for families in Flanders, and the train remains an uninviting option. This is according to the latest family poll of the Gezinsbond, an independent family organization that surveyed 1,072 families. Those same families also want safer cycle routes to school and find De Lijn’s new bus […]

Shutting down 2G network will make eCall useless in 36 million cars

March 29, 2024

Carmakers face a million-euro debacle as telecom operators plan to shut down the 2G network, enabling the compulsory safety system eCall. Considered outdated and inefficient, replacing 2G might trigger a recall for over 36 million cars. Who will pay for the upgrade? In Europe, mobile operators are gearing up to shut down their 2G networks, […]

80% of Walloons say cohabiting among road users is ‘problematic’

March 18, 2024

Eight in ten Walloons think cohabiting among road users is problematic, and four in ten say it has deteriorated recently. This is according to a survey conducted by the Walloon Road Safety Agency (AWSR) on aggressiveness and irritating behavior in traffic. One consequence is that traffic aggression is also on the rise, and consequently, the […]

Vias: ‘7% fewer road deaths in Belgium in 2023’

March 13, 2024

According to Vias’ latest traffic safety barometer, based on figures from the federal police, there were 7% fewer road deaths last year than in 2022. Last year, 483 people died in traffic, compared to 520 in 2022. The Vias Institute is a Belgian knowledge center that aims to improve road safety, mobility, and social safety. […]

Amsterdam considers remote-controlled speed-reducing system for e-bikes

March 12, 2024

Amsterdam is considering introducing an innovative adaptive speed governance solution for e-bikes. The system is intended to remotely slow down the speed of electric bicycles as they approach the city center. Amsterdam’s Alderwoman, Melanie Van der Horst (D66), recently inaugurated a system demonstration. The initiative specifically tackles the challenges of congested bike lanes, aiming to […]

41 large construction sites to ‘jam’ Flemish highways this year

March 11, 2024

In 2024, there will be 41 major road construction works on the Flemish highways for an investment of 902 million euros, not including Oosterweel. “The interventions are very diverse,” says Flemish Minister of Mobility and Public Works Lydia Peeters (Open Vld). “They range from renewing the road surface to the installation of noise barriers, the […]

Euro NCAP to punish manufacturers for excessive touchscreen controls

March 08, 2024

European vehicle safety non-profit Euro NCAP has unveiled plans for a new safety score 2026 that will include an assessment of the ease of use of essential controls. Cars that force drivers to use touch controls for features like wipers and indicators will be punished and risk the all-important five-star safety rating. The auto industry […]

Vias: ‘Statistically proven: men drive less safely than women’

March 08, 2024

People often say that women are lousy drivers, but statistics show just the opposite: almost eight in ten road deaths are men. Women are less likely to be involved in serious accidents than men and are generally also less likely to be severely injured in accidents (40% compared to 60% of men). However, it is […]

Infrabel to remove seven dangerous train level crossings in Bilzen

March 07, 2024

Infrabel has started work in Bilzen to remove all railway crossings in the city’s territory. Seven train crossings will be eliminated and made safer this way. They will be replaced by mobility alternatives, such as bridges (2), tunnels (4), a parallel road, and two sections of bicycle highway. The level crossings will only be closed […]

EU agrees on heavier 4.25 ton e-vans with regular B license

March 01, 2024

The European Parliament has agreed on a new set of regulations concerning driver’s licenses. One of the plans is to increase the weight limit of electric light commercial vehicles to 4.25 tons to compensate for the loss of payload due to heavy battery packs. But new exam rules, digital licenses, and stricter rules for young […]

Vias: ‘53% of fatal car accidents are one-sided’

March 01, 2024

In Belgium, almost one in five injury accidents is a unilateral accident, a traffic accident involving only one road user – a motorist or cyclist. Moreover, these accidents are extremely fatal.  According to the Traffic Safety Institute Vias’ latest report, one-sided accidents cause 37% of road deaths. In other words, more than one in three […]

EU Parliament rejects limited driver’s license validity period

February 29, 2024

The European Parliament rejects limiting the validity period of driving licenses for older drivers. Earlier, European Mobility Ministers also agreed that there would be no specific validity restriction on driving licenses for the over-70s. The legislation, which also introduces a digital driving license on smartphones, has yet to be negotiated with members; it emerged on […]

Volvo Cars introduces ‘Accident Ahead Alert’

February 29, 2024

Volvo Cars’ connected safety technology can now alert drivers of accidents ahead. You’re driving down a winding country road. It’s impossible to see beyond the bends in front of you. Suddenly, your Volvo car alerts you: there’s been an accident ahead, just around the bend. “With our new ‘Accident Ahead Alert’, we introduce another pioneering […]

Lanklaar bicycle bridge and ecoduct will be ready in April

February 27, 2024

The Roads and Traffic Agency (Agentschap Wegen en Verkeer, AWV) is building a bicycle bridge and an ecoduct over the Boslaan (N75) in Lanklaar (Limburg province). The new bicycle construction is part of the 5.5-km-long bicycle path through the Lanklaarderbos and will officially open by the end of April. The cycle paths are ready; only […]

Flanders sees bike paths in good condition increase slightly

February 26, 2024

The number of bicycle paths along regional roads in Flanders that are in excellent or decent condition has increased slightly, by 3,3%, to 63,8%. This is according to the new bicycle paths report of the Agency for Roads and Traffic (Agentschap Wegen en Verkeer, AWV), which gives a picture of about 7,000 km of bicycle […]

Vias pleads for introduction of laughing gas controls

February 21, 2024

Traffic Safety Institute Vias pleads for the introduction of controls for nitrous oxide – the so-called ‘laughing gas’ – on the road. The drug has gained popularity in recent years, especially among young people. It gives users a buzz similar to that of alcohol and can have a severe influence on one’s driving abilities, so […]

Dutch ANWB & German ADAC warn for unsafe safety jackets

February 15, 2024

According to research by the Dutch mobility organization ANWB and its German sister club ADAC (Allgemeiner Deutscher Automobil-Club), some safety jackets on the Dutch market are unsafe. They hardly reflect any light. And although the jackets are not mandatory in the Netherlands, both organizations sound the alarm. ADAC experts purchased 14 different safety vests online […]

Dutch police newly armed to catch overpowered e-bikes

February 14, 2024

The Dutch police have a new weapon against high-speed and high-power electric bicycles. They recently introduced a roadside testing platform to check the speed of mopeds, scooters, and other electric vehicles, such as electric bicycles, speed pedelecs, and fat bikes. The roller test benches also check whether these vehicles comply with the applicable legislation. The […]

Flanders: technical inspection every two years until 160,000 km

February 13, 2024

Flemish Minister of Mobility Lydia Peeters (Open Vld) resolutely opts for more structural measures to address the capacity problems at the technical inspection centers. The most remarkable measure is the extension of the periodicity for passenger cars (vehicle category M11). New vehicles were subject to a yearly inspection from the day they turned four years […]

Lowest percentage ‘intoxicated’ drivers in winter Bob campaign

February 07, 2024

Most drivers (98.4%) tested for alcohol during the last winter campaign blew negative. That was the best result since the so-called ‘Bob’ campaigns began in 1995. For comparison, ten years ago, in 2013-2014, 3.2% of drivers were still positive, or twice as many as this year. This winter’s Bob campaign started on Friday, December 1st, […]

UGent appoints American expert chair holder to improve bicycle traffic

January 31, 2024

The University of Ghent has appointed Meredith Glaser as an academic expert for more and safer bicycle traffic. Glaser is an internationally respected academic with approximately 15 years of experience in spatial planning, transport, and mobility. She will further specialize in everything related to cycling. Meredith Glaser is originally from the Californian coast but has […]

One step closer to Brussels Ring 2.0

January 29, 2024

The Flemish government has approved the Regional Spatial Implementation Plan for the northern part of the Ring Road around Brussels, bringing a 550-million-euro remodeling a step closer. Flanders wants to make the R0-North between Sint-Stevens-Woluwe and Groot-Bijgaarden more traffic-safe and increase the area’s livability. In the spring of 2023, a public inquiry on the provisional […]

Smartphone use: focus on road or losing driver’s license

January 29, 2024

The public prosecutor’s office in Limburg has announced stricter action against mobile phone use behind the wheel. From February 1st, anyone using his mobile phone or other mobile device while driving a motor vehicle will immediately have to hand in his driver’s license for fifteen days, after which a €174 fine will follow. Similar measures […]