Minister Peeters: using drones to reduce traffic deaths

March 15, 2021

The Flemish Minister of Mobility, Lydia Peeters (Open Vld), is working out an innovative plan to reduce the number of traffic deaths drasticThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Ford Trucks comes to Belgium and opens first truck webshop

March 11, 2021

Ford Trucks, a joint venture between the American Ford concern and its Turkish partner Koç, is coming to Belgium. This year, Ford Trucks waThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Dutch MOB pleads for ‘woodfire smoke-free’ municipalities

March 10, 2021

The Dutch environmental organization Mobilization for the Environment (MOB) calls on municipalities to become ‘woodfire smoke-free’. In a leThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

BIPT study predicts congested 4G network in Brussels

March 09, 2021

In Brussels, the 4G networks for mobile telephony and data already risk becoming overloaded as soon as this year. That is what a study by teThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Vias: ‘Number of e-bike users doubled in five years’

March 05, 2021

The car remains the most popular means of transport in Belgium, but the number of e-bike users has doubled in five years. Last year, one in This content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Flanders plans 38 highway construction sites in 2021

March 03, 2021

On Tuesday, Flemish Minister for Mobility and Public Works, Lydia Peeters (Open Vld),  has announced 38 construction sites this year along This content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Bonheiden to experiment with 30 kph zone

March 03, 2021

Bonheiden is planning an experiment with a 30 kph zone within the entire built-up area of its territory. The experiment starts on Friday, MaThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Flanders to invest €150 million in bicycle infrastructure

March 02, 2021

The Flemish government will allocate 150 million euros to local authorities who intend to construct new bicycle infrastructure. The initiatiThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Mechelen to relaunch 100 shared e-scooters

March 01, 2021

After a pilot project last year, the city of Mechelen will relaunch a hundred shared e-scooters from March 1st on. The e-scooters will be diThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Minister Peeters frees €90 million for LED roads lighting

March 01, 2021

The Flemish Minister for Mobility and Public Works, Lydia Peeters (Open Vld), will reserve 90 million euros to install LED lights along the This content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

New sleeper trains under way from Belgium and Netherlands

February 26, 2021

Two Dutch rail enthusiasts want to launch a new night train connection with departure from Belgium and the Netherlands. The sleeper train seThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Belgian large-scale study on particles’ health risks

February 25, 2021

High concentrations of particles in the air increase the risk for cardiovascular diseases or stroke. That is the clear conclusion of a largeThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Mobly: ‘47% of youngsters drive second-hand car’

February 24, 2021

One out of three cars registered in Belgium – almost two million cars – is second-hand. Younger drivers most often buy used cars: 47% ofThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

New hydro-electric power station inaugurated in Anseremme

February 24, 2021

On Tuesday morning, the new hydro-electric power station on the Meuse in Anseremme (Dinant, Belgium) has been inaugurated. The power plant wThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Several airlines to trial IATA’s ‘vaccination passport’

February 23, 2021

Several airline companies – Air New Zealand, Emirates, and Ethiad, among others – will soon organize tryouts with the digital vaccinatioThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Engie and Ineos to inject hydrogen in natural gas turbines

February 19, 2021

Energy provider Engie and chemical company Ineos Phenol are experimenting with a hydrogen project in Antwerp’s port. Hydrogen is injected inThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Engie to build Belgium’s highest wind turbine in Ghent

February 18, 2021

Energy provider, Engie, and recycling company, Renewi, have obtained permission to build the highest wind turbine in Belgian territory. The This content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Belgium gives green light for TUI’s Boeing 737 Max

February 17, 2021

One of the Boeing 737 Max aircraft of the aviation company TUI fly has its airworthiness certificate back from the Belgian authorities. ThisThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Semi-autonomous ship sails between Antwerp and Zeebrugge

February 17, 2021

On Monday, Seafar, a specialized company in remotely controlled navigation, launched the first shipping trip between the ports of Antwerp anThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

‘Smart to Antwerp’ app now more cyclist- and walker-friendly

February 12, 2021

The multi-modal route planner of the Antwerp mobility platform ‘Smart to Antwerp’ has received an update to make the app and the website morThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Watertruck+ inland shipping project to avoid 6 000 truck rides

February 11, 2021

The Flemish Waterway (De Vlaamse Waterweg, DVW) has announced a new phase of the Watertruck+ project. The project aims at finding solutions This content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Total renames itself TotalEnergies after historic loss

February 10, 2021

After a historic loss in the oil business, the French giant Total decided to rename the company into ‘TotalEnergies’. The new name should reThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

NMBS/SNCB sticks to 44 ticket offices’ closure

February 10, 2021

On Tuesday, the company board of public rail company NMBS/SNCB confirmed the plans to close the 44 train stations’ ticket offices. Last weekThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Amazon buys half of Shell-Eneco’s future wind farm production

February 09, 2021

Energy providers Shell and Eneco will provide the American web store Amazon with green electricity produced by the CrossWind wind farm that This content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Chombar leaves CEO seat to Marc Biron at Melexis

February 04, 2021

After eighteen years, Françoise Chombar, the Belgian technology company Melexis’s actual CEO, will become Chairwoman of the Board from 1 AuThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

‘Youngsters prefer job content above company car’

February 02, 2021

Young job-applicants are no longer interested in extralegal advantages like a laptop or even a company car. That is the conclusion of the reThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Feed additive reduces cow’s methane emissions by 27 to 40%

January 29, 2021

A new animal feed additive reduces methane emissions of milch cows significantly. The emissions decrease by 27 to 40%, depending on the cow’This content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Online store Coolblue becomes green energy supplier

January 28, 2021

Coolblue, the well-known Dutch online supplier of electronics and household appliances, expands its services and now offers green electricitThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

‘Flemish average speed checks finally operational’

January 27, 2021

Flemish Minister for Mobility, Lydia Peeters (Open Vld), is happy to announce that the problem of the non-functioning average speed checks, This content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

‘Renewables have overtaken fossil fuels in EU in 2020’

January 26, 2021

According to Agoria Energiewende and Ember’s annual study, renewables overtook fossil fuels to become the European Union’s main source of elThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

€4 million Belgian support for Eurostar and Thalys

January 25, 2021

The operators of high-speed and night trains will be exempted from taxation for the reservation and use of the railway network until the endThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Bosch to cut 400 of 863 jobs at wiper factory Tienen

January 22, 2021

Automotive supplier Robert Bosch will cut 400 of 863 jobs at its windshield wiper production facility in Tienen (Belgium). According to the This content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Air pollution makes Antwerp ‘second mortal city in Europe’

January 21, 2021

According to a European study, Belgian cities like Antwerp and Brussels score badly on air pollution. Antwerp sits second and Brussels in eiThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Belgium wants undersea electricity link with Denmark (update)

January 21, 2021

The Flemish Minister for Energy, Tinne Van der Straeten (Groen), wants to install an underwater electricity connection between Belgium and DThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

De Lijn withdraws from ‘bell bus’ service

January 20, 2021

The call-up bus service, the ‘bell bus’ as we know it today, will disappear in 2022. In the future, people in the countryside who need publiThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Amsterdam takes legal action against ‘scan car alarming app’

January 18, 2021

Amsterdam is taking legal action against one of the apps that warn people about ‘scan cars’. The latter can register parked or driving cars This content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

‘Why not introduce 30-kph zones in all Flemish cities?’

January 15, 2021

Flemish Members of Parliament Annick Lambrecht (sp.a) and Stijn Bex (Groen) want to discuss the possible introduction of 30-kph zones in FleThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Chatbot digs out whether you’re responsible for accident

January 14, 2021

When you’re involved in a traffic accident, it is not always clear whether or not you were responsible. That is why the Belgian attorney’s oThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Acerta: ‘three out of ten employees want leased bike’

January 14, 2021

According to a survey by HR service provider Acerta, three out of ten Belgian employees (28%) want to lease a bicycle via their employer. AcThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

TomTom: ‘Traffic in Belgium decreased by one-fifth in 2020’

January 13, 2021

Last year, the general traffic intensity decreased by 18% compared to one year before. According to figures from the TomTom Traffic Index, aThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Why are most (company) cars white?

January 13, 2021

Many cars sold worldwide over the past decade were white, and even today, the number of white cars in traffic is impressive. But why? Is it This content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

VDL Roeselare to deliver 102 e-buses for Oslo

January 12, 2021

VDL Group will build 102 electric Citea buses for the city of Oslo (Norway’s capital). It’s VDL’s largest order of e-buses ever. The buses wThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.