First BMW ‘new class’ will be a 3 Series

October 20, 2021

The first electric car of ‘die Neue Klasse’ (the ‘New Class’) is an all-electric version of the following 3 Series generation. This has beenThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Strasbourg Eurometropolis will roll out LEZ

October 18, 2021

The council of the Eurometropolis of Strasbourg (EMS) has voted to set up a low-emission zone (LEZ) with an expected timetable for the graduThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

North Sea’s wind farm capacity will triple to 5,8 GW by 2030

October 18, 2021

The Princess Elisabeth zone, the second zone in the Belgian North Sea where wind farms will be installed, will be expanded. As a result, theThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Coldplay concerts empowered by 40 BMW i3 batteries

October 15, 2021

British rock band Coldplay wants its Music of the Spheres world tour to be as sustainable as possible and got the backup of BMW, providing aThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

IEA warns: ‘Energy transition goes too slow’

October 14, 2021

Two weeks before the start of the UN Climate Conference in Glasgow (COP26), the International Energy Agency (IEA) warns that the energy tranThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Abattoir of Anderlecht has largest solar roof in Europe

October 13, 2021

Brussels startup and solar power solution provider Skysun has installed Europe’s most extensive built-in photovoltaic (BIPV) cell system on This content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Classic charged for the future: all-electric Aston Martin DB6

October 13, 2021

Some oldtimers are too beautiful not to preserve them for our future mobility. That thinking has led the company Lunaz Design to electrifyinThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Brussels Mobility to green 10 000 m2 of brick and asphalt

October 12, 2021

Brussels Mobility is seizing the planting season to soften further and green the public space in the capital. It wants to transform in one yThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Belgian government confirms -55% CO2 reduction by 2030

October 11, 2021

The Belgian federal government has confirmed its previously announced climate ambition to reduce CO2 emissions by -55% by 2030. All ministerThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Plan Bureau: ‘Greenhouse gas levels 2% higher than in 2014’

October 08, 2021

According to a new report by the Federal Plan Bureau (FPB), greenhouse gas emissions in Belgium were 2% higher in 2019 than in 2014. Carbon This content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Seven Belgian Q8 stations to offer fossil-free HVO100 diesel

October 08, 2021

Finish biofuel supplier Neste Oy announced on Thursday HVO 100% fossil-free diesel can be found in three new Q8 gas stations in Belgium. LatThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Limburg North-South connection gets tunnels and e-tram-bus

October 08, 2021

Limburg will finally get a direct North-South connection for traffic after fifty years of discussions. Flemish Minister for Mobility, Lydia This content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Rotterdam’s tram network to provide electricity for EVs

October 06, 2021

The city of Rotterdam and public transport company RET (Rotterdamse Elektrische Tram, RET) want to use the energy and network capacity of itThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Hitachi combines motor, inverter, and brake unit in EV wheel

October 06, 2021

At the Aachen Colloquium Sustainable Mobility, Japanese giant Hitachi is showing these days its new lightweight direct-drive system for EVs This content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

IATA agrees on gigantic task of CO2-free aviation by 2050

October 05, 2021

The International Air Transport Association (IATA), grouping 290 airlines worldwide, has agreed on its yearly congress in Boston (US) to makThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

UGent students aspire to EU top with self-driving racing car

October 05, 2021

A team of eighty students is building an electric, self-driving racing car at Ghent University. They started the project in July 2021, but tThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Big battle expected on Euro 7 standard

October 05, 2021

Soon, the EU Commission will have to decide about the technical details of the future Euro 7 emission standard for 2025. “There is a huge fiThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Bpost to order 1 200 extra electric vans

October 05, 2021

Belgian bpost has ordered 400 new electric vans and will launch a tender by the end of this month for 800 more to be delivered before the enThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Audi Brussels’ BattMAN decides: second life or recycling?

October 01, 2021

What to do with it when an EV’s battery comes to the end of its life cycle in the car? Give it a second life as a stationary battery to storThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Bpost opens state-of-the-art e-fulfillment center in Willebroek

September 30, 2021

Active Ants, a subsidiary of the Belgian bpost group, has opened a brand-new e-fulfillment center in Willebroek. In this new state-of-the-arThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

ACEA rings alarm bell on charging infrastructure

September 30, 2021

Eric-Mark Huitema, Director General at the European car manufacturers association ACEA, rings the alarm bell. He warns that the ambitious ‘FThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

All-electric motor show on Bruges’ ‘t Zand Square

September 29, 2021

A sign of motor shows going to the public instead of vice-versa? Ten car dealers are setting up jointly what they call “the greenest showrooThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Flanders to invest in tunnel and new tram connection in Ghent

September 28, 2021

The Flemish government is planning to finance some fundamental mobility and infrastructure projects in Ghent. One of them is the long-awaiteThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

2 out of 3 Belgians consider environmentally friendly car

September 27, 2021

More than two-thirds of the Belgian car buyers consider purchasing an environmentally friendly car within two years. That’s the result of a This content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

PS chairman pleads for free public transport in Belgium

September 27, 2021

PS Chairman Paul Magnette pleads to make public transport “completely free”. This also applies to national railway company NMBS/SNCB. He saiThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Hasselt to become one residential area with 20 kph speed limit

September 27, 2021

Next summer, the inner city of Hasselt will transform into one residential area with restrictions to slow down traffic. Through traffic willThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Belgian government has action plan to promote cycling

September 27, 2021

The Belgian government has approved Be Cyclist, an action plan to promote cycling. The plan contains 52 mensurable measures and will be coorThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Janssen Pharma rewarded as golden cycle-friendly employer

September 24, 2021

The Flemish Bikers’ Confederation (Fietsersbond) has awarded the pharmaceutical company Janssen the ‘Cycle Friendly Employer Certificate’. TThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Volvo swears off using leather in all future EVs

September 23, 2021

Following the example of its sister brand Lynk & Co, which uses materials from recycled fishing nets and PET bottles, Volvo today announThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

T&E denounces ‘dirty tricks’ of the car industry

September 23, 2021

“The European car industry is using aggressive lobbying and making unsubstantiated claims in an attempt to derail EU plans to cut pollution This content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Health Council reveals link between air pollution and Covid-19

September 22, 2021

Covid-19 and the way countries limit the transfer of the virus have an impact on the environment. But the environment and air pollution in pThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

SD Worx: ‘One-third fewer cycling commuters in 2021’

September 22, 2021

This year, the number of commuters with a bicycle compensation decreased from 22% to 14% compared to last year (2020) and pre-corona (2019).This content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Antwerp cargo bike project avoids 3 000 van trips every year

September 21, 2021

In Antwerp, city distributor CityDepot and bicycle courier Cargo Velo had some 3 000 delivery trips made by cargo bikes, which delivery vansThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Bill Gates collects one billion to develop clean energy

September 21, 2021

Several American companies – American Airlines, Microsoft, Bank of America, and General Motors, among others – have donated a total of oThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

French Sailcoop: carbon-free sailing to replace flying

September 21, 2021

If your ‘flygskam’ (flying shame) level is high and you can spare a few extra days, why not take a sailboat for your next trip? To Corsica oThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Belgian Agoria Solar Team wins 24-hour European endurance race

September 20, 2021

The Belgian students of the Agoria Solar Team have claimed their second consecutive victory in the iLumen European Solar Challenge (iESC), aThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Shell to build large production unit for biofuels in Rotterdam

September 17, 2021

The British-Dutch oil and gas company, Shell, plans to construct a large production unit for biofuels at the Shell Energy and Park RotterdamThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Car-Free Sunday in 36 towns in Flanders, Wallonia only two

September 17, 2021

Next Sunday, the car is taboo, and pedestrians and cyclists rule the Belgian roads. Car-Free Sunday, which traditionally is part of MobilityThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Is an e-drive the best solution for SUV drivers?

September 16, 2021

A British study by French energy provider EDF shows that SUV drivers in the UK could save up to almost 9 million tons of CO2 a year by switcThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Deloitte orders 140 electric Mini’s for its company car fleet

September 16, 2021

One-in-four of the new employees at Deloitte prefers an electric company car. That’s why the consultancy company ordered 240 Mini Cooper SE This content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Swedish Voi launches 2 000 shared e-scooters in Brussels

September 16, 2021

After successfully launching its shared e-scooter platform in more than 70 cities across Europe, the Swedish Voi is introducing its service This content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Brusol to quickly install 1 000 charging stations in Brussels

September 16, 2021

Energy supplier Brusol, an initiative of solar panel company EnergyVision, aims to install a thousand semi-public charging stations in the BThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Italy pleads for ICE-ban exception for its supercars

September 14, 2021

While the EU still has to agree on a proposed ban on new sales of internal combustion engines (ICE) by 2035, Italy apparently is lobbying beThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

VW opens one of EU’s most sophisticated battery labs

September 14, 2021

Under the flag of its Components department, German carmaker Volkswagen opened in Salzgitter on Monday one of Europe’s most sophisticated baThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Bebat and Brussels announce winning circular battery projects

September 14, 2021

Bebat, the Belgian non-profit organization collecting used batteries, and Brussels Environment, the public service for the environment in thThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Was IAA Mobility in Munich a motor show 2.0? (Update)

September 13, 2021

Between Tuesday the 5th of September and Sunday the 12th, the German IAA Motor Show in Munich took place. It not only changed location, but This content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Flanders wants to boost shared mobility in towns and cities

September 10, 2021

Flemish Minister of Home Affairs, Bart Somers (Open Vld), wants to encourage Flemish cities and municipalities to focus more on electric shaThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Flanders: 220 proposals for 6 000 semi-public charging stations

September 10, 2021

The Flemish government has received 220 proposals following a project call for semi-public charging stations in the private domain. These reThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.