Renault Zoe flunked in new Euro NCAP test

December 09, 2021

This week the European New Car Assessment Program (Euro NCAP) released its latest tests of new vehicles, some brand new, others retested aftThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Flanders favors 30 kph speed limit in built-up areas

December 09, 2021

Flanders wants to introduce a 30 kph zone for roads in town centers and residential areas, and a 50 kph limit in traffic zones. However, FleThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

New BOB campaign: everyone to take responsibility

December 06, 2021

“This time, I am BOB!” This is the slogan of the new end-of-year BOB campaign, launched by the Vias road safety institute and partners. To mThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Major works for four road junctions on Brussels East Ring

November 29, 2021

De Werkvennootschap, the organization that supports large and complex mobility projects in Flanders, will revise four junctions of the easteThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Four Mobility Ministers go jointly for zero death toll in 2050

November 24, 2021

Belgian Federal Mobility Minister Georges Gilkinet has signed an inter federal plan on traffic security with his regional colleagues. ‘All fThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Coyote maps out 23 000 dangerous bends in Belgium

November 19, 2021

Thanks to data collected from its numerous users, Coyote has been able to identify nearly 23 000 dangerous bends in Belgium, 13 000 of whichThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

5 000 cyclists already use new VRT traffic info app

November 17, 2021

Last month, we announced that VRT, the national public-service broadcaster for the Flemish Community in Belgium, would provide cyclists withThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Paris limits speed of e-scooters to 10 kph in certain zones

November 16, 2021

The speed of e-scooters is now limited to 10 km/hour in 700 areas of Paris, including around the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower. This is what tThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Road safety: zero death toll in Belgium by 2050

November 15, 2021

The three federal Belgian Ministers for Mobility, Justice, and Internal Affairs have come together to create a national plan for road safetyThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

‘Mobilidata’ to make traffic in Flanders smoother and safer

November 15, 2021

On Friday, the Flemish government gave the go-ahead for Mobilidata, a project that uses data to make traffic smoother, more sustainable, andThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Herk-de-Stad launches MIA project to tackle traffic unsafety

November 12, 2021

On Wednesday, Flemish Minister of Mobility and Public Works, Lydia Peeters (Open Vld), has kicked off the MIA project for Limburg in Herk-deThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

New bicycle bridge over Albert Channel in Godsheide

November 02, 2021

This weekend, a new bicycle bridge is installed over the Albert Channel at the locks in Godsheide. The new bridge is part of the Limburg bicThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Bonheiden to introduce record of 22 average speed checks

October 29, 2021

Bonheiden – Rijmenam is planning to introduce as many as 22 average speed checks. That is an absolute record for a Belgian municipality of oThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Vias backs proposal of law to ban e-scooters under 16

October 28, 2021

Road safety institute Vias backs the bill proposed by Vooruit MP Joris Vandenbroucke to ban electric scooters for children under 16, as is tThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Vias: ‘One in four Belgians uses smartphone while driving’

October 22, 2021

According to a survey in eleven European countries, one out of four Belgian motorists (25%) regularly reads or sends messages on his smartphThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Hidalgo wants Paris to be 100% cycleable

October 22, 2021

Paris’ Mayor and presidential candidate Anne Hidalgo has presented on Thursday the 2021-2026 bicycle plan. With the construction of 130 km oThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Average speed checks now always active on 7 Belgian highways

October 21, 2021

On seven highway sections, five in Wallonia and two in Flanders, average speed check controls will be active permanently – 24 hours a day,This content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

VRT radio provides cyclist traffic bulletin

October 20, 2021

From now on, VRT, the national public-service broadcaster for the Flemish Community in Belgium, will provide cyclists with useful traffic inThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

New bikeway in front of Belgian Parliament inaugurated

October 20, 2021

On Tuesday, a Flemish and local government delegation has inaugurated the new, yellow-colored bikeway in the Brussels Wetstraat/Rue de la LoThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Brussels: 155 parking places to be replaced by bicycle brackets

October 19, 2021

Brussels Mobility wants to deal with cars parked next to crossings and blocking drivers’ and pedestrians’ views. So, 155 parking places willThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Ford Lommel invites senior citizens to go into a skid

October 12, 2021

Ford Belgium has invited some fifty senior citizens to go into a skid and sharpen their driving skills with modern cars on a Safe Drive TraiThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Antwerp Oosterweel knot and new Royers lock works to start

October 12, 2021

On Monday, the construction works of the Oosterweel knot in Antwerp, connecting the future Scheldt tunnel with the channel tunnels, have offThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Limburg North-South connection gets tunnels and e-tram-bus

October 08, 2021

Limburg will finally get a direct North-South connection for traffic after fifty years of discussions. Flemish Minister for Mobility, Lydia This content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Flanders interrogates mayors about traffic ‘GAS’ fines

October 07, 2021

Flemish Mobility Minister, Lydia Peeters (Open Vld), wants to know how cities and municipalities use the so-called ‘GAS’ fines (GemeentelijkThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

EU demands zero tolerance for alcohol and drugs in traffic

October 07, 2021

The European Parliament demands a zero-tolerance for alcohol and drugs on the road throughout the European Union. There should also be a 30 This content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

GM’s Ultra Cruise: hands-free driving for 95% of time

October 07, 2021

At a two-day event for its investors, General Motors unveiled its plans to double its revenue with EVs and more services and software by 203This content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

VSV launches new campaign to combat speeding

October 04, 2021

On Sunday, the Flemish Mobility Minister, Lydia Peeters (Open Vld), and the Flemish Foundation for Traffic Science (Vlaamse Stichting VerkeeThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

8 out of 10 senior citizens can still drive safely

October 01, 2021

Last year, almost 1 700 Belgian citizens underwent a driving suitability test. In 82% of the cases, it turned out that they were still allowThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

31% of Flemish e-bike-riders cover more than 50 km a week

September 30, 2021

The e-bike has been generally adopted in Flanders, but now it’s becoming popular in Brussels and Wallonia too, traffic safety institute ViasThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Antwerp Turnhoutsebaan to become bicycle street

September 29, 2021

The Turnhoutsebaan in the Antwerp district of Borgerhout has to become a ‘bicycle street’. That is what Minister of Mobility, Lydia Peeters This content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Flanders to invest in tunnel and new tram connection in Ghent

September 28, 2021

The Flemish government is planning to finance some fundamental mobility and infrastructure projects in Ghent. One of them is the long-awaiteThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Hasselt to become one residential area with 20 kph speed limit

September 27, 2021

Next summer, the inner city of Hasselt will transform into one residential area with restrictions to slow down traffic. Through traffic willThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Belgian government has action plan to promote cycling

September 27, 2021

The Belgian government has approved Be Cyclist, an action plan to promote cycling. The plan contains 52 mensurable measures and will be coorThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Two million euros for Liège’s cycling plan

September 24, 2021

The city of Liège will invest two million euros in projects to promote soft modes of transport and cycle routes. As part of the regional inThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

EXia develops active blind spot warning system

September 21, 2021

EXia, a spin-off of the Brussels University VUB, founded in 2013, has developed a sensor system for trucks that actively warns the truck driThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Flanders wants 125 junctions conflict-free this year

September 17, 2021

Flemish Mobility Minister Lydia Peeters (Open Vld) wants to reorganize 125 junctions of Flemish regional roads this year and make them conflThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Flanders to install 161 additional average speed checks

September 15, 2021

Flanders already has 238 average speed checks, but Minister for Mobility, Lydia Peeters (Open Vld), wants to install 161 more – spread oveThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

VSV: ‘New Mobibus will focus on children with special needs’

September 14, 2021

Mobibus, the interactive and traveling exhibition of mobility and traffic safety, will focus on children with special needs this school yearThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Paris slows down to 30 kph

August 30, 2021

Following in the footsteps of many other cities in and out of France, such as Brussels, Paris introduces a citywide speed limit of 30 kph. This content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Brussels Decarbone rows upstream converting ICE vans to EVs

August 25, 2021

The Brussels-based start-up Decarbone specializes in converting combustion engine vans to electric vehicles but faces administrative problemThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

New bicycle-highway bridges inaugurated in Limburg

August 25, 2021

The new bridges spanning the Europalaan between Dilsen-Stokkem and Opoeteren, and the Vaartstraat in Rotem were inaugurated on Tuesday. The This content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Wanted: experienced technicians for classic cars

August 23, 2021

Although higher and higher prices are being paid for exclusive classic cars, it is becoming increasingly difficult to keep this driving heriThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Infrabel renovates Belgium’s longest rail bridge in Temse

August 23, 2021

In Temse, three bridges over the river Scheldt connect the province of Antwerp, on the right bank, and the province of East Flanders, on theThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Brussels Avenue Louise gets cycle path

August 23, 2021

The Brussels Region is continuing to make more and more of the capital’s roads suitable for cycling. Last but not least: Avenue Louise, the This content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Antwerp and Ghent trams will always get green light

August 19, 2021

The Flemish authorities want to improve the circulation of trams in the cities of Antwerp and Ghent and, therefore, introduce a pilot projecThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

NHTSA investigates 11 accidents with Tesla’s Autopilot

August 17, 2021

The American highway safety watchdog NHTSA is opening a new investigation into the alleged role of Tesla’s Autopilot system in eleven accideThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Flanders: highest number of traffic deaths since 2016

August 09, 2021

In the first six months of this year, 109 people died in traffic accidents in Flanders. That is almost a quarter more than in the same perioThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Saint Josse threatens to close ‘unsafe’ Botanic tunnel

August 04, 2021

The Brussels Region urgently needed to secure the Botanic tunnel; otherwise, Emir Kir, the Mayor of Saint Josse, was threatening to close itThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Four Antwerp tunnels and Quatre Bras get barriers

July 29, 2021

The Antwerp Kennedy tunnel and four other tunnels – Craeybeckx, Tijsmans, Beveren, and the Brussels Quatre Bras – will be equipped with barrThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Police testing ‘super radar’ at Beez viaduct Namur

July 29, 2021

Belgian police are testing the Mesa Fusion ‘super radar’ these days on the E411 near Namur on the Beez viaduct spanning the river Meuse. DevThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Belgium to set up specific road safety prosecutor’s office

July 27, 2021

Because speeding drivers will be dealt with more severely, the Belgian Government expects an influx of traffic fines. That is why an extra pThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.