Faurecia and Veolia jointly into recycled plastics for cars

May 04, 2022

French automotive suppliers Faurecia and Veolia have announced pioneering cooperation to use recycled plastics in automotive interior moduleThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Flemish Government remains committed to sustainable transport

May 03, 2022

The Flemish Government wants to continue to focus on alternatives to road transport, with companies choosing the proper mode of transportatiThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Daimler stops producing diesel buses by 2030

May 03, 2022

Daimler Truck, Europe’s leading manufacturer of buses and coaches, plans to turn the page on diesel-powered city buses by 2030, aiming for aThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Paris takes 149 e-buses off the road after two fires

May 02, 2022

On Friday, the RATP, the Autonomous Management of Parisian Transport, temporarily removed 149 electric buses from circulation as a precautioThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Demolition of the Herrmann-Debroux viaduct is now final

April 29, 2022

The Brussels Government had definitively approved the Master Plan for the Delta-Herrmann-Debroux area. The main ambition of this urban projeThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Brussels government sharpens climate ambitions

April 29, 2022

The Brussels Government is raising its ambitions to reduce greenhouse gas from 40 to 47% by 2030 compared to 2005. To this end, subsidies foThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Green NCAP: diesel more sustainable than EVs?

April 22, 2022

In its first study on life cycle assessment, Green NCAP, the sustainability branch of safety organization Euro NCAP, has examined the enviroThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

De Lijn and MIVB/STIB replace old diesel buses

April 22, 2022

Flemish transport company De Lijn will order 99 electric buses worth 66,5 million euros next year. The delivery of the new buses should alloThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

IEA: ‘Belgium far too dependent on fossil fuels’

April 21, 2022

According to the latest report of the International Energy Agency (IEA), Belgium still is far too dependent on fossil fuels. And after the pThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Belgium to ban smoking on rail platforms from 2023

April 21, 2022

From 1 January 2023, Belgium will ban smoking on station platforms of railway company NMBS/SNCB. On Wednesday, the Chamber’s Mobility CommitThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

CO2 calculator shows carbon footprint of urban delivery

April 20, 2022

Belgian logistics player BD Logistics has asked Antwerp University to develop a tool to calculate the CO2 emissions of its urban delivery acThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Oosterweel works halted again due to PFOS pollution

April 20, 2022

The Council of State has decided to stop the works of the Antwerp Oosterweel connection for a second time after receiving complaints from enThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

‘Thirty-day break of your car feels a lot better’

April 20, 2022

Thirty days without using your car. Quite a challenge. But is it feasible? The Belgian Network for Sustainable Mobility urges to give it a tThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

E-Load opens its first fast-charging station in Houthalen

April 19, 2022

Young start-up E-Load has inaugurated its first powerful public charging station in the industrial zone ‘Europark’ in Houthalen. The LimburgThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Jan De Nul installs France’s first offshore wind farm

April 15, 2022

The Belgian marine service provider, Jan De Nul, has started the construction works of the Saint-Nazaire offshore wind farm project in FrancThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Lightyear raises the price of its One with 100 000 euros

April 15, 2022

Dutch start-up Lightyear, the manufacturer of the world’s first commercial solar car, is starting production of its first batch of customeThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

New mobility start-up MyMove seduces several investors

April 14, 2022

D’Ieteren, Ginion Group, Valckenier, and finance&invest.brussels have joined forces and resources to promote new mobility trends via theThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Northvolt will build with Galp EU’s biggest lithium plant

April 14, 2022

Together with Portuguese oil firm Galp, Swedish battery manufacturer Northvolt wants to construct and exploit the biggest factory for lithiuThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

North Sea Port aspires to become EU hydrogen hub

April 14, 2022

The Belgian-Dutch port company North Sea Port, a fusion of the harbors of Ghent, Terneuzen, and Vlissingen, wants to become a hydrogen hub oThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

V2G to become possible on Hyundai EVs

April 13, 2022

Hyundai plans to make the onboard charger from the Ioniq 5 suitable for bidirectional charging, enabling V2G (Vehicle-to-Grid) technology. IThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

The difference between a charging and a parking space

April 12, 2022

As the number of electric vehicles (EVs) is growing, the need for clear charging rules is rising too. For example, in Arnhem (north of HollaThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Ford starts European production of E-Transit

April 11, 2022

At Ford’s Otosan production site in Turkey, production of the 100% electrically powered Transit will get started. Ford has big plans to elecThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Netherlands: half of EV sales go to private individuals

April 11, 2022

An increasing share of newly purchased electric cars in the Netherlands goes to private consumers. More than half (52%) of the 12 385 new EVThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

London revises energy policy towards nuclear and fossil

April 08, 2022

The British government has revealed its new energy policy and strategy, given the recent events in the energy market and the Ukrainian war. This content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Audi and Porsche in Formula 1 by 2026

April 08, 2022

There’s a big chance that in 2026, F1 race cars will also be driven by Audi and Porsche engines/motors. If all goes as predicted, Porsche wiThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

RWE intends to build EU’s biggest backup battery in Belgium

April 07, 2022

German ‘green’ energy supplier RWE Renewables intends to build Europe’s biggest grid backup battery with a 200 megawatts capacity in Rotem (This content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

IPCC: ‘Earth is heading beyond 1,5°C global warming’

April 05, 2022

The chance that global warming remains limited to 1,5 degrees Celsius has pretty well gone by unless the world comes up with far more ambitiThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Sales of electric cars skyrocket to 86,1% in Norway

April 05, 2022

More than eight out of ten cars sold in Norway are now fully electric. With PHEVs added to the mix, the figures even surpass 90%. Best-selleThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Herz to buy 65.000 Polestars in next five years

April 04, 2022

Car rental giant Herz is buying 65 000 fully electric Polestars in the next five years and will start offering them in Spring 2022 in EuropeThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Belgian government frees up €240 million for cycling commuter

April 04, 2022

The Belgian government will be releasing 240 million euros to promote commuting by bicycle in the coming years. This was decided during the This content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

China’s BYD stopped making pure ICE cars once and for all

April 04, 2022

China’s second-biggest independent automaker next to Geely, BYD or Build Your Dream in English, announced on Sunday that it had stopped ultiThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Europ Assistance: “Belgians support sustainable mobility”

April 01, 2022

Two-thirds or 70% of Belgians are in favor of more sustainable mobility. Not surprisingly, the bicycle is the symbol of soft mobility for moThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Carrefour gears up to 3.000 EV chargers in France

March 31, 2022

Carrefour will install 3 000 charging points for electric vehicles in the car parks of its 400-plus Carrefour Market supermarkets by 2025. OThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

De Lijn finally launches tender for hundreds of e-buses

March 31, 2022

The Flemish public transport company De Lijn has launched procedures to purchase hundreds of electric buses, possibly up to 1 250. It involvThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Belgian Greens want 100 kph speed limit on highways

March 31, 2022

Stijn Bex, Flemish MP for political party Groen, wants to lower the maximum speed on highways to 100 kilometers/hour. “Driving slower is lesThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Audi stops selling TDI diesel models in the Netherlands

March 31, 2022

Audi Netherlands announced on Thursday it will stop selling from April 2022 all TDI diesel models to focus on plug-in hybrids, fully batteryThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

T&E: ‘Electric vans 25% cheaper than average diesel vans’

March 30, 2022

A new study in six major European markets by Transport and Environment (T&E) shows that today’s electric vans are, on average, 25% cheapThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Mandatory flight tax will cost Belgian airlines €5 million

March 28, 2022

The mandatory flight tax will cost Belgian airline companies – Brussels Airlines, Air Belgium, and TUI Fly – five million euros, money tThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Nissan to stop development Euro 7 compliant ICE cars

March 25, 2022

The Japanese carmaker Nissan has announced that it will refrain from investing in Euro 7-compliant pure combustion vehicles. Instead, the JaThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Dutch lower speed on highways since peaking fuel prices

March 24, 2022

Now that fuel prices are peaking, Dutch motorists are driving more slowly on highways. Probably to save fuel. The Dutch office for traffic dThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

25 marine life studies for new Belgian offshore wind farm

March 23, 2022

A team of Belgian researchers is analyzing the effects of offshore wind farms on marine life. The nature reserve of the Princess Elisabeth ZThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Urbike’s cargos find shelter in MIVB/STIB workshop

March 23, 2022

In Saint-Gilles, cargo bikes have replaced the trams in the former Belgrade workshop of the public transport company MIVB/STIB. The BrusselsThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Washington State to ban ICE cars by 2030

March 22, 2022

The US State of Washington has passed a bill banning the sale, purchase, and registration of new gasoline-powered vehicles of the model yearThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Peeters kicks off new campaign to get people biking

March 21, 2022

Last weekend, Flemish Minister of Mobility, Lydia Peeters (Open Vld), and the Flemish Foundation for Traffic Science (Vlaamse Stichting VerkThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Flanders and Germany turn to Norway for ‘blue’ hydrogen

March 18, 2022

Flanders and Germany are betting on faster adoption of hydrogen to cut gas reliance from Russia. Flanders wants to convert natural gas from This content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

EU agrees on ‘battery passport’ for more sustainability

March 18, 2022

The Ministers for the Environment of the European Union have reached an agreement in Brussels on the rules for using and reusing industrial This content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.

Federal Ombudsman wants aerial LEZ at Brussels Airport

March 16, 2022

The noisiest and heaviest aircraft must be banned from Brussels Airport. That is what the Federal Ombudsman for the national airport, PhilipThis content has been archived. Log in or Subscribe to a level that has access to archived content.